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Hi I'm Sandra (also go by ebilfairy) I'm 38. Living with my parents, younger sister, her daughter Bella and one dog called Kiki.

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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

FTU Tutorial - Originality

This tutorial was written by me on 16th of May 2016 any resemblance to other tutorials is a coincidence.
Gorgeous tube by Nocturne called Strings.
Strings has 6 different colored layers.
You can buy the tube at PFD here.
Template by Sylvie (sylly creationz) here.
Texture of choice - I used Vix_Texture5 here
Vix_BigMask001 here.
Name: International Palms
Copyright: Pixelette

Penta.com Jeans
xero - Fritillary
Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow.
Open the template in PSP
Press Shift & D to make a duplicate of the template and close off the original.
Delete the Watermark layer.
I know the template is big but we will be resizing when we finish.

Copy your tube - Paste as a new layer on Template.
If you are using the same tube as me Image - Resize 42%.
Layers - Arrange - Move Down x3
Layers - Duplicate - Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 2.
Change the Blend mode to Screen & Lower the Opacity to 60.

Gradient Circle - Left & Gradient Circle - Right
Selections - Select All - Float - Defolat
Copy tube & Paste to your template.
Move so something you like is showing inside the selection.
Selections - Invert - Press the small delete key on your keyboard.
(Or use the Eraser Tool)
Selections - Select None.
Change the Blend Mode of this layer to Overlay.

Pink Square Left & Pink Square Right
Selections - Select All - Float - Defolat
Floodfill Tool - Make a Gradient using a color from your tube (I used #fc71b9) and white.
Fill Pink Square Left with your gradient.
 Copy tube & Paste to your template - Image - Resize 60%.
Move so that what you like is showing inside the selection.
Selections - Invert - Press the small delete key on your keyboard.
(Or use the Eraser Tool)
Selections - Select None.
Change the Blend mode to Luminance (Legacy)
Layers - Duplicate - Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 2.
Change the Blend Mode to Screen - Lower Opacity to 50.
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds.

Black Square Left & Black Square Right
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Copy tube & Paste as New Layer to your template.
Image - Resize 80%
Move so something you like is showing inside the selection.
Selections - Invert - Press the small delete key on your keyboard.
(Or use the Eraser Tool)
Selections - Select None.
Change the Blend mode to Luminance (Legacy)
Layers - Duplicate - Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 2.
Change the Blend Mode to Screen - Lower Opacity to 50.
Effects - Plugins - Penta.Com - Jeans.
Bottom Rounded Blk Rectangle & Top Rounded Blk Rectangle
Effects - Plugins - xero - Fritillary
Black Rectangle
Effects - Texture Effects - Weave
Pink Long Rounded Rectangle, Pink Small Rectangle Left & Pink Small Rectangle Right Pink 
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Copy Vix_Texture5 - Paste as New Layer.
Move around so what you like is showing inside the selection.
Selections - Invert - Press the small delete key on your keyboard.
(Or use the Eraser Tool)
Selections - Select None.
Change the Blend mode to Screen.

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
Image - Resize 80% (or smaller if you like)
If you want to add a masks follow these steps in the brackets.
(Layers - New Raster Layer
Layers - Arrange - Move Down.
Floodfill with your gradient.
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image.
Find yoru mask in the drop down box.
Layers - Merge - Merge Group.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.)
If you don't want to add a mask.
Add your Copyright & Name.
 Save as png.

**Show Off Results**
By Pammy

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Sandra for this great tut, I love music tuts and tags, here is a set for you, hope you like it
    Avatar :
    Sig tag
    Hugs, Betsy E. xxx


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